KFP Awareness is an educational and knowledge division in Københavns Frie Promotere run by consultants with expertise in creating safer spaces, mutually obligating communities and organiser responsibility.

The association Københavns Frie Promotere (KFP) and its members have been frontrunners for safer space-oriented events in Copenhagen’s growing electronic music scene. In 2021, the association defined a common manifest for safer space practices (awareness) and values that all members as a minimum must live up to.

You can find KFP’s Safer Space Manifest here

Internationally, we see awareness initiatives appearing many places in nightlife and at clubs and festivals. In Denmark, we also see an increased focus on minimizing discrimination and boundary-crossing behaviour in nightlife – also outside the underground party scene. 

In KFP Awareness, we base our practices on KFP members’ professional and practical expertise in this area as we educate and advise other event organisers and organisations. We translate our knowledge and exsperience from our events to other contexts and guide organisations on how to define their ambitions for creating safer spaces and communities and educate teams in awareness practices and methods. 

Report about discrimination and boundary-crossing behaviour in Copenhagen nightlife

In June 2023, KFP relased – in collaboration with Sex & Samfund and Copenhagen Pride – an extensive report on discrimination and boundary-crossing behaviour in Copenhagen nightlife (in Danish).

You can find the report and read much more about the results and our recommendations at  www.tryggerenatteliv.nu

Let us help you get your organisation ready to deal with challenges regarding boundary-crossing behaviour.

I felt safe throughout the day. I think you presented many really exciting points and takes on the topic, and I felt there was time enough to go into depth with the topics, we found relevant. 


Workshop participant, Club Consious

I learned about concepts that can help me define this rather complex practice that safer space/awareness work can be. (…) It was nice to hear about the different ways to work with awareness, and to get insights about how it’s not a one-size-fits-all practice, and that all palces need to put its own touch on how they work with awareness.


Workshop participant, Club Conscious



Definition of strategy and focus for your organisation’s work with awareness and safer spaces

We work with organisations of many different sizes, audience profiles and event offers. No matter who you are and where in the process you are, it will be beneficiary for you to define a safer space strategy for your organisation. This will help you become aware of nuances and initiatives that can strengthen your events at multiple levels, and you get to define your own set of values that make sense to you and your type of events. Through a workshop that combines presentations and exercises, we work together towards a strategy and vision that will support a common and targeted effort by your organisation with support from all levels.

Duration: 5-10 hours over 1-2 days
This is for: Management, operations managers, project managers and other key persons with knowledge of the organisation at various levels and decision mandate.


Strenghten your awareness/safer space team with skills within a number of practices

Whether you already have an awareness/safer space team in place, or you are yet to make such a team, we can help you educate your team within a broad palette of methods, concepts and points of attention.

A typical education day will contain topics such as conflict management, anti-discrimination and bias, harm reduction and care for others.

Duration: 5-10 hours over 1-2 days
This is for: Awareness team, volunteers, awareness/safer space coordinators etc. that work or will be working actively with awareness on the floor / in the day to day operation.


Ongoing counselling and help with implementation and evaluation of your safer space efforts

Rolling out a safer space strategy and working with awareness is a long process that requires time and reflection in order to be implemented successfully. During this process, you are likely to meet complex challenges and questions that require new considerations and adjustments. When we work with people and their personal experiences, it can also be emotionally hard and demanding for you as an organisation and your employees. This is why we are ready to help you and offer counselling and evaluation on your efforts so that you will never be alone facing those challenges. 

Duration: Ongoing collaboration, typically of a minimum of 6 months
This is for: Management, operations managers, project managers, awareness team and other key persons with knowledge of the strategy and how its progressing. 


Are you curious about safer spaces or do you need help convincing your colleagues that your organisation should work with awareness?

An inspirational presentation will give you an overview of concepts and practices within safer spaces and awareness work, as well as examples on how it can be implemented in different organisations. For such a presentation, we will not spent hours digging deep into the subject, but we will give you food for thought and hopefully leave you wanting to explore the opportunities for your organisation.

Duration: 0,5 – 2 hours
This is for: Relevant for everyone in the organisation and requires no prior knowledge or decision mandate.



We understand awareness as a caring practice characterized positively by the creation of opportunity rather than negatively by the avoidance of mistakes.


We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and that joint commitment and collective responsibility are essential in any process of transformation.


Safer spaces are continuous processes and cannot be realized once and for all and ticked off. Concrete goals can be valuable as points of orientation but must not substitute dynamic striving for positive change.


It is important for us to consider nuances of difference as well as structural conditions as we aim to neither trivialize problems nor reduce them to their surface level.


We strive to practice anti-discrimination and focus intersectionally on marginalized and minoritized individuals.


Do you want us to help you and your organisation, or are you simply curious about hearing more about our work with awareness and safer spaces?
Contact us at awareness@k-f-p.dk



+45 20768349



+45 28905029



+45 52502885



+45 26819085